About us

Seal of transparency

About us

Megan Saul (Director, Spring Mountain Benefit Corp) has pledged the proceeds from the rental of the Spring Mountain Villa as an income generating asset for the organization. The organization will manage the property. This provides an ongoing source of capital for local investment.

Utilizing income generated from the Villa as well as donations, the organization will provide small grants (micro-investment) to local residents for entrepreneurial projects. This will promote entrepreneurial activities by local community members (e.g., starting a pig raising business, bicycle rental or a child care operation). Grant recipients will be chosen by competition, interview and/or an extended application process.

The organization will offer support to local entrepreneurs in the form of counseling, guidance, advice, assistance, loans and grants. These activities, free create of charge, will enhance the skills and knowledge of local entrepreneurs, enabling them to local business opportunities and develop locally owned businesses.

Local residents will have the opportunity to generate income by providing activities to visitors such as fishing, hiking, taxi, tour guide, etc.

The officers and directors of the corporation will manage the long range plans and policies of the organization and will, from time to time, personally oversee projects.

Marvia Brown (Director, Spring Mountain Benefit Corp) will oversee all local activities, including but not limited to the management, maintenance and security of the Spring Mountain Villa.

Local independent contractors will be hired for maintenance work, repairs, construction, security and other requirements related to the maintenance of the villa, organizational projects and other properties.

The basic idea is to promote local entrepreneurs through start up grants for local business ideas (as a small business ‘incubator’). This would be bolstered by free assistance to these small businesses so that they may learn, grow and profitably manage their business affairs. The Villa itself will generate income for these purposes. Donations will also go to housing, food, education, pet care, wind and solar power, paving of roads, etc.

Counseling/advisement related to small business development are provided to grant/loan recipients and others in the community by request. Providing start-up micro-grants is just the beginning of a relationship that involves learning to manage a business and maintain a profit.